
Statement of Purposes

The Ministerial Association affirms the importance of the local church in the completion of Christ’s commission. To assist pastors in fulfilling this task, the Association serves them in the following areas:

  • Spiritual Growth – Mentoring pastors and nurturing deep and vibrant relationships with God. Enabling pastors to mentor members in their greatest need – building a healthy, living and constant relationship with God.
  • Evangelism – Keeping pastors ever conscious that their first calling is to proclaim the Gospel to the world, while presenting Jesus as Savior and Lord to all people, in their specific context, regardless of race, gender, nationality, tribe, or economical status.
  • Personal Development – Encouraging positive growth in the personal lives of pastors and their families. Advocating a balanced use of time so pastors can be well-rounded while improving their talents and relationships.
  • Professional Growth – Promoting the professional growth of pastors in the study and practice of ministry, representing their interests at the Inter-European Division, and enhancing the image of pastoral ministry so as to attract qualified persons and keep them in its ranks.
  • Church Growth – Enabling pastors to nurture their congregations and to embrace the priesthood of all believers, engaging every member in ministries so that our churches may be centers of loving concern, dynamic evangelism, and the presence of the living Lord.