
Ranko Stefanovic

Ranko Stefanovic is Professor of New Testament at the SDA Theological Seminary at Andrews University.  He earned a doctorate degree from Andrews University in 1995 in the area of the New Testament with an emphasis on the book of Revelation.  Prior to joining the faculty at Andrews University, he served for eighteen years as an ordained SDA minister. He taught and chaired the Department of Religious Studies, Canadian University College from 1996-1999 as well as the Department of Religion, Andrews University from 1999-2009 when he moved to the SDA Theological Seminary. He is a recipient of several awards for excellence in teaching; in 2013, he was awarded with J.N. Andrews Medallion by Andrews University for his contribution to the church in the area of scholarship and service to the church. Stefanovic is an author of numerous scholarly articles and several books. He specializes in the book of Revelation; he has authored Revelation of Jesus Christ, a very popular 670-page commentary on Revelation, which is the standard textbook in many Adventist colleges and universities. His most recent book is Plain Revelation: A Reader’s Introduction to the Apocalypse. He also authored the Sabbath School Quarterly Lessons for Janury-March 2019. His lectures on Revelation have been featured in a long running series on 3ABN television network. He also wrote commentaries on Revelation and 2 Thessalonians for Andrews Bible Commentary, and the Commentary on Romans for the upcoming New International SDA Bible Commentary. He is a sought-after speaker and lecturer at symposiums, seminars, workers meetings, camp meetings, and various gatherings across the globe. He and his wife Estera have two grown children.