Ministerial Spouses


Back Again

Back Again

I REMEMBER WALKING HOME from school on a hot afternoon, feeling tired and ready for a cool drink. I was following the path I took every day.

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Balancing Act

Balancing Act

IT WAS JUST ABOUT 9:30 on a Sabbath morning. We teachers were engaged in greeting the Junior Sabbath School children who had already arrived for class.

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Anxiety Attack

Anxiety Attack

"I WANT YOU TO KNOW my throat is a little sore,” announced my husband. We were heading home from another busy Wednesday morning of volunteering at our church’s local Community Services food distribution program.

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Not Your Way

Not Your Way

“THAT’S MY WAY.” Unfortunately, these words aren’t aimed at reinforcing good habits. On the contrary, “That’s my way” is a common excuse to justify our character defects, hurtful temperamental reactions, or misplaced responses that generate a hostile environment.

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How do we stay emotionally healthy and strong? Praying and singing might lift our spirits, but the Lord needs us to be proactive and make the changes that need to happen.

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Energy and Endorphins

Energy and Endorphins

So many advertisements promise quick solutions and miracle cures for almost any condition— weight loss, saggy skin, bulging stomachs . . . the list is endless.

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Hope for the Wounded: Advocating for Addiction

Hope for the Wounded: Advocating for Addiction

“HELLO, MY NAME IS JULIET,” I begin as I introduce myself in my 12-step Sabbath School class. “I’m a grateful believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. I struggle with workaholism and codependence that manifests itself in perfectionism and control. Food is far too often my drug of choice.”

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STANDING IN LINE at the checkout counter of a local craft store, I happened to notice the couple behind me, primarily because both of them had their arms overloaded with baskets. When I commented that it was a good day to take advantage of the special price on baskets, the man replied, “Oh, we always buy our supply of baskets this time of year, and what you see is only a portion of what we need.”

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Beneath the Shadows

Beneath the Shadows

Even women of God feel sad and overwhelmed at times, especially when they have numerous daily tasks to complete, including playing a supporting role to their spouse in pastoral ministry and caring for little ones.

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