Especially the aspect of meeting and the possibility to experience and create together was important for many participants - especially since our conference team has become significantly younger in the meantime. In the normal everyday working life, there is hardly any opportunity to get to know each other in a recreational context. How much more so for spouses and children! With about 70 participants, we were a large conference family.
For the spiritual part, Rainer and Elvira Wanitschek from Bern were invited, who are responsible for family and children’s ministries in the Division. How to build the church in a good way was explained to us by the two of them in devotions, through plays and creative actions on the book of Nehemiah. It was exciting to experience with how much creativity "old hands" like Stefan Löbermann or "youngsters" like Dante Herrmann, one of the new colleagues, were able to take on their roles alongside all our children.
Juliane Schmidt, head of the youth department, had rehearsed a story with young people that threw light on the fate of children in the Third Reich, which was further unfolded each evening. Music and singing were not neglected either. The responsibility for testing our knowledge of the Bible was in the hands of Christian Badorrek. With his quiz game "Who will become a biblionary?" all participants not only had fun strengthening their theological knowledge, but thanks to their ambitious efforts they were also found to be "team capable" and "Bible proof".
Excursions to Gutenfels Castle and through the vineyards of the Rheinsteig, a night hike through Kaub, a boat trip and a trip to Pfalzgrafenstein Castle made us realize how steeped in history a seemingly inconspicuous little place can be. Not only the story of the "Eslein von Kaub" that saved its hometown by a ruse, was brought closer to us by Ute Grassmann, city guide and passionate employee of the local cultural association. With heart and soul and in contemporary costume, often in Rhine-Hessian dialect and always armed with appropriate utensils, she greatly enriched the retreat with her way of telling stories and conveying history.
Therefore, I am sure I speak on behalf of all participants when I say that the days spent together were good for all of us. Many thanks to all those who made this retreat possible and contributed to its success through their presence and involvement.
Guido Sell
Pastor in Hanau und Gelnhausen
We had just been at Milka Raubert's (Treysa church), congratulating her on her centenary and admiring the dress she had tailored herself for the occasion, celebrating with her that time can do her so little harm - and already, after a quick drive, my wife Cami and I are sitting in the hall of the youth hostel in Kaub amidst the employees of the Central Rhenish Conference and their families, furtively letting our eyes wander over the many people present and wondering how long it has been since our last meeting - obviously a long time. More than a third of the participants are newcomers, as employees, partners and children. A good third of those who used to attend are no longer with us. And for many of us who were there last time, time has left its mark. Experiences are reflected in our faces and need to be recalled. We are eager to hear updates from those we haven't spoken to in a while - how are they doing? But almost more interesting are the new faces. What potential is hidden there? Even before the first sentence, it is clear that the time in Kaub will not be enough and can only be a beginning. But where do you start getting to know each other? We missed the getting-to-know-each-other games - too bad. But as soon as the program is over, it becomes clear that this group does not have any teething problems, everyone is running towards each other. It seems that almost everyone feels the need to get to know each other and to exchange ideas. How are you, where do you live, what's on your minds, how are the children and what was your name again? Lively conversations went on until late into the night. What an opportunity to be able to talk so freely for once - without having to fill out a sermon schedule or plan any free time. And then to get to know the families who belong to them - what a golden opportunity to get closer. A real privilege - even to other professional groups. Which suggests that this meeting rarely finds its way into an conference’s annual calendar. All the greater will be the "Hello!" when one day it will be said again - for next year the "Employees' Family Retreat" is planned again!
Until then, it is important to maintain the contacts we have made and to keep alive the impressions we have gathered, especially the pedagogically valuable spiritual message presented by Elvira and Rainer Wanitschek - invited by the Conference leadership and sent to us by the Inter-European Division (EUD).
Together they took us on a journey through the biblical book of Nehemiah, facing the great challenge of reaching all of us together with its message - from the child to the president. This was made possible by an extremely vivid program in which many participated - right up to the entire audience when we built the wall around Jerusalem together at the end of the program. Very impressive what is feasible when the pedagogical tools are well chosen.
The rest of the social program, with a short liner cruise, walking tours, night hikes, and sightseeing, was arranged to allow us plenty of time to talk. A local guide interspersed very informative and always surprising historical information and familiarized us with contexts that are still relevant today. In an entertaining way, we were able to learn so much about the history of Germany. But we will also be in her memory - as the group in which her thoroughly detached program led to an intensive, very personal conversation about life history and more.
A big thank you to Christian Badorrek and Vlatko Gagic for the well-chosen spiritual input, to Elvira and Rainer Wanitschek for their message, to Kristina and team for planning, organization and the Corona-safe execution, to the youth hostel Kaub for accommodation and hospitality as well as to the national committees for providing the necessary funds and also to the many fellow travelers who spontaneously contributed to the success of the program. Many thanks to all of you for this valuable time!
Marc-Oliver Schulz